Provincial Minister IT Honorable Mr.Raza Haroon Visiting Bits Protection Stall At ITCN


iRex Hardware

Bits Protection has launched the iRex Hardware device for PC after the great demand.


iRexUSB L5.0

Bits Protection has launched the iRexUSB L5.0 for Laptops after the great demand.


Honorable Minister IT

Provincial Honorable Minister IT Mr.Raza Haroon Visiting Bits Protection Stall At ITCN Asia 2009

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Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 08:36

Bits Protection is founded with the aim of providing the finest products and services to the companies and every computer user With its new highly technologically advanced product, iRex all problems of recovery and security of precious data can be safely and successfully handled. This device would be responsible for the safe recovery and security of the precious data saved in the PCs. iRex will provide assistance to computer user by providing different solutions like antivirus, anti hacking etc.

iRex is in other words synonym with safe recovery & security of any data stored in the hard drive of any PC. It is now a days hard to secure data from viruses which are emerging day by day, hacking issues which are getting intolerable and by using application software’s incautiously which damages the data.

Bits Protection sales & services are backed by efficient and effective customer care department. To attain excellence in every aspect of our product we have a team of individuals who are working very hard to accomplish company objectives.Please contact us if you have any questions and we will get back to you within 24 hours (can also of course just use the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it address here).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 October 2009 09:50


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